LAD Z-Score SmackDown: KD Aneurysms

LAD Reference:


Coronary artery involvement in children with Kawasaki disease: risk factors from analysis of serial normalized measurements. McCrindle BW, Li JS, Minich LL, Colan SD, Atz AM, Takahashi M, Vetter VL, Gersony WM, Mitchell PD, Newburger JW; Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Circulation. 2007 Jul 10;116(2):174-9. Epub 2007 Jun 18.
Coronary artery Z score regression equations and calculators derived from a large heterogeneous population of children undergoing echocardiography.Olivieri L, Arling B, Friberg M, Sable C.J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2009 Feb;22(2):159-64. Epub 2008 Dec 11
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